United States Postal Service - B2B, Fulfillment

When the United States Postal Service wanted to promote Direct Mail as a powerful marketing tool for small business owners, we decided what better way to position themselves as the experts than to create a "How To" book.

I took to the streets of Chicago, interviewing small business owners about their marketing needs and whether or not they use, or would consider using, Direct Mail to target their customers. I then wrote the book - an expansive guide entitled "Destination: Door to Door". This book demystifies Direct Mail, explaining what it is, and how to put together an effective campaign. Complete with chapters on identifying your target audience, building mailing lists, designing and writing Direct Mail pieces of your own, and working with the U.S.P.S. to get your mailers out the door. Interspersed throughout each chapter are snapshots of real small business success stories, featuring the businesses I interviewed. It's a lot of information to digest - which is why I also included thought-provoking questions throughout each chapter, and a re-direct to the handy notebook, included in the inside cover, for jotting down thoughts, answers and ideas.

This piece was a huge hit with the business owners featured within its pages, customers who ordered it - and with the U.S.P.S. as well.


Inside Cover

Chapter 3, spread 1

Chapter 3, spread 2

Chapter 4, spread 6