State Farm - Canadian Homeowner's Insurance, Direct Mail

Homeowners Insurance works differently in Canada. So State Farm needed a campaign that was equally different.

We developed this breakthrough concept of a talking house that demanded its owner stop treating it like every other house on the block, recognize it for its unique features, and insure it accordingly.

Direct Mail - Front with Insert, and Insert removed for Reveal

Direct Mail - Back, and Insert Back

State Farm - Auto Insurance, Direct Mail

With a rise in competitive auto insurance campaigns, and an unmentioned lizard touting price, price price, State Farm needed to stake a claim in the game.

One of State Farm's biggest points of difference is their agent relationships. State Farm agents work hard for their clients, and they'll always be there for you.

This three-part contact stream touches on the agent difference in different ways, and pokes a little fun at the competition in the process:

Direct Mail - Contact 1

Direct Mail - Contact 2

Postcard - Contact 3

State Farm - Credit Card Insert

When State Farm asked us to create a credit card insert directed at college-age students promoting their renters and auto insurance products, we rose to the challenge with an eye-catching, fun one-off piece that asked the question "Are you an Adultophobe?"

18-21 year olds don't necessarily have auto and renters insurance top-of-mind - nor do they want to. But the fact is, now that they are out on their own, they need these products too. The insert included a self-identifying quiz to diagnose yourself as an Adultophobe, and proposed State Farm as the antidote.