Hampton Inn - "The Hampton Effect", TV & Print

Over the years, Hampton Inn has branded itself as not-your-average-hotel to both business and leisure travelers. It has all the amenities a traveler has come to expect, with a price tag that's reasonable and welcome. And when you stay with Hampton, it shows.

We called this "The Hampton Effect", and this TV and print campaign demonstrates just what it means to stay with Hampton.

The TV campaign uses a series of quick shots and sound effects that build to the final sell - the feeling you get when you stay with Hampton.

Leisure - Story Board, Part 1

Leisure - Story Board, Part 2

Leisure - Story Board, Part 3

Business - Story Board, Part 1

Business - Story Board, Part2

Business - Story Board, Part3

TV Scripts - Leisure and Business

The print campaigns build on the spirit of the TV spots with whimsical imagery of travelers in the moment, enjoying their stay, courtesy of Hampton. Leisure travelers have more fun. Business travelers experience more success.

Leisure - Print 1

Leisure - Print 2

Business - Print 1

Business - Print 2

Hampton Inn - "The Little Things", TV & Print

For this second concept, we focused on the little things that matter. In life, it's the people you meet and connect with that make all the difference. And at Hampton, people are paramount.

Leisure - Story Board, Part 1

Leisure - Story Board, Part 2

Business - Story Board, Part 1

Business - Story Board, Part 2

The print for this concept carried "The Little Things" message through by demonstrating how well Hampton knows its guests - and how that translates to a better stay.

Leisure - Print 1

Leisure - Print 2

Business - Print 1

Business - Print 2

State Farm - Auto Insurance, Direct Mail

No one ever thinks about how adequate their auto insurance coverage is - until they need it. State Farm wanted to educate consumers on the importance of having the perfect coverage - not too much, not too little. So I worked with my art director partner to come up with our version of the State Farm Goldilocks story. Here's how it came together for this successful two-contact, Direct Mail campaign:

Direct Mail - Contact 1, Front

Direct Mail - Contact 1, First Reveal

Direct Mail - Contact 1, Second Reveal (part 1)

Direct Mail - Contact 1, Second Reveal (part 2)

Direct Mail - Contact 2

State Farm - Renter's Insurance, Spec

FACT: most renters don't think they need insurance.

FACT: most renters own an average of $20,000 worth of "stuff".

Now, how to drive home that what you own is worth protecting? Here are two playful approaches we took with State Farm Renters Insurance to deliver the message:

Concept 1 - Direct Mail
Concept 1 - Door Hanger

Concept 1 - Common Area Poster

Concept 2 - Direct Mail